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In exercise of our natural and inalienable right to establish a framework of governance criteria which shall serve for ourselves and posterity and the blessing of liberty, equality of opportunity and prosperity, through climate literacy and environmental issues;

In a spirit of commitment and responsibility to the environment for peaceful and healthy living of all people of the world; and in solemn declaration and affirmation of our commitment in saving the environment for life. We the members believe that, all powers of governance and environmental awareness spring from the sovereign will of the people and, the political will and respect for the environment in which we live and interact, so that we can achieve sustainable developmental goals for every member of the human race.  

Sierra Leone School Green Clubs (SLSGC) is a Community Base Organization which prioritizes, education, agriculture, protecting our environment and climate change.                             


SLSGC has vowed to work for the promotion of forest preservation, wildlife protection, climate change, education and agriculture.

Motto: "Create a New future that works for all"

Head Office

Our License: WARDC/CBO/009

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